
Thursday 2 July 2015

Inquiry Roadshow

Today on the 2nd of July Glenbrae school had our inquiry roadshow. This is when all the classes share what they have learned during term. We share our learning by creating presentations posters, diagrams and hand -on activities. There were a lot of things we can learn, do fun activities all about your timetables what you know like do you know how to make slime.

Our learning was about world war 1 and world war 2. I was doing why live in nelson and all about Abel Tasman. We showed our slide show that me and Alex created. and there was a lot of the students and teachers they really like. One person came and we showed them our slide show and they like it and they said it was awesome.

Someone took over me while I was going to look at the rest of the people creation. There were a lot of people there and it was so packed. I went and look at the video that Room 8 created It was so sad because the people that pass away 100 years ago when the world war 1 started and it was so beautiful. I went to the next I went to Room 10 and they were making slime I said if I can have a pinch of a slime and they said sure.

I enjoyed the most when Room 10 made slime for some students in Glenbrae school. I learnt that people back in the war use to have this Morse and they sent it on a birds legs and I have never knew about that. The best presentation was the Room 10 slime because they gave me a little slime.   

Here is my presentation about Abel Tasman and why live people should in Nelson.

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