So that's what we done. We were playing for 45 minuets, it was funny when we were playing because people were harassing people to play probably. We had to head back to class to end our Kiwi Can lesson. They announce the winner for Term 4, it was Room 10, We weren't disappointed we were just happy.
This blog is a record of my learning from Glenbrae School in Auckland, NZ through to Tamaki College.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Kiwi Can last lesson.
Monday was unfortunately our last Kiwi can lesson, we had classes through out the year every week. We had lessons about how to be respectful, positive and ETC. We had to choose any game we want to play. We decided to play Multi sports. Multi sport is a game where there is 2 teams, a person yells out any number of player, they have to choose which sports they have to play, they have to at least get a score to retain a win of glory.
So that's what we done. We were playing for 45 minuets, it was funny when we were playing because people were harassing people to play probably. We had to head back to class to end our Kiwi Can lesson. They announce the winner for Term 4, it was Room 10, We weren't disappointed we were just happy.
So that's what we done. We were playing for 45 minuets, it was funny when we were playing because people were harassing people to play probably. We had to head back to class to end our Kiwi Can lesson. They announce the winner for Term 4, it was Room 10, We weren't disappointed we were just happy.
Monday, 19 November 2018
Maths, oceans apart
22 x 63=
Half 22 = 11
11 x 63 = 693
693 x 2 = 1386
34 x 48=
Half 34 = 17
17 x 48 = 816
716 x 2 = 1632
54 x 36=
Half 54 = 28
27 x 36 = 972
972 x 2 = 1944
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Glow in the dark information
My information report is all about glow in a dark. I’m talking about how toys glow in a dark. Glow in the dark always satisfies little kid as well. Glow in the dark is such a wonderful toy to gift over to a kid, it’s because kids have time to look at the amazing, satisfying.
Glow in the dark is sold in store, there are really cheap glow in the dark set of toys at the store. But unfortunately they don’t produce much glowing. Expensive products shows good progress and better quality. It depends on how the product are made,
Glow in the dark has heaps of ingredient and chemicals to form glow in the dark. There is glow in the dark stickers that you can stick up in the ceiling so in the night when everything is dark you get look up at the ceiling and have something for you to look at.
Natural phosphors are in your teeth and finger, it glows after absorbing energy from black light. Zinc Sulfide is great mixing into plastic to make glow in the dark toy. Strontium aluminate is really expensive, glow sticks works by chemiluminescence. It mean that light is produce as a chemical reaction.
Matariki Explanation writing
Matariki is a signal of the Maori New Year, it’s the renewal and the celebration in New Zealand. This symbol’s the seven sisters or known as the pleiades.
Matariki is a star cluster which appears in the night sky in mid winter. Also Matariki is not known as a constellation it’s known as a star cluster. There are over 500 stars that are in space, the stars looks like they are close together, but actually they are far apart when you are in space. There are only 6 or 7 stars that are visible for us to see from Earth. They are Tawhirimatea, Tupu-a-rangi, Waipuna-a-rangi, Waiti, Tupu-a-nuku, ururangi, and waita.
The relative teenage stars were born together in a nebula at about the same time. Nebula is a cloud of dust in space, some other nebulae are where stars are being born. The young teenage stars is blue, they are much gigantic than our Earth sun. Blue stars are the hottest, yellow are medium hot and red are cooler.
The foggy white that is surrounded around the seven stars can be seen with a telescope. The hazy light that is connected to the stars together is the nebula. Matariki is not on the same day every year, Matariki is usually celebrated some years. It’s because from our perspective Matariki is behind the sun.
Around the whole entire world matariki is name after plenty of culture. The Greek name is the Pleiades, in Japan it’s called Subaru and in china it it Mao. The Maori use the stars and the moon for calendar, each phase of the moon signal the Maori to do their favourite thing, example planting and fishing.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
Seed Plant
This is my google drawing. This is talking about seed plant, it has heaps of information and I hope you enjoy reading.
Monday, 17 September 2018
What we learnt in Kiwi Can
Today in Kiwican we learnt about our topic "Perseverance", I've learnt that it means never give up and keep on trying.
Even though we make mistakes still give it a try.
Even though we make mistakes still give it a try.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Something Alive. Reading
This is my create work that I've done for Reading, my group Hillary was focusing on inferring meaning from text. This a girl that is Japanese but was born in New Zealand. Now let my create work talk all about this one girl in New Zealand.
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Special movie effects.
In class we have been discussing about special movie effect. Firstly we had to choose a country to research about how do they produce movie effects. I research about sound effects and movie makeup, the country that I've research was North America. Here's my google drawing.
Monday, 3 September 2018
Gymnastic term 3
We all had to do our stretches before being spited into 9 groups. We had 9 stations, 2 people or 3 people are allowed at one activities. We have 5 minuets on each activities before rotating. Some of the them are difficult activities. The hardest activity for me was the forward rolls. Since time has pass I've been more confident in gymnastic because I notice that I will be doing these activity in the future.
I would like to say thank to Tri-Star gymnastic company for teaching us all of these cool skills.
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Glow in a dark, Room 7 Science Intensive
Last week Monday our class "Room 7", has been learning about glow in the dark. Here is a google drawing that I've created.
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Room 9 Science Intensive
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Maths problem
The five children in the Wipere family are Mihi, Sam, Rawiri, Tiere, Whitu. At Christmas, each child buys a $5 present fore each of the other children. How much is spent in total by all the children?
Tuesday, 17 July 2018
Ever heard of Smokey the bear

Your fire safety checklist:
Practice at home- You should fire drills at home, you should have a basic fire drill that you have learnt from school.
Pick a meeting place- Choose a safe spot to meet up when there is a fire, you and your family members could get separated and you don't know where to meet up.
Get out right away- Don't collect any valuable things that you like, just evacuated as quickly as you can.

Sunday, 15 July 2018
Real life Superheros
When wildfire threaten wilderness, these helpful people known as the "Smoke jumpers", parachute from the plane to help. They are also fire fighters too. They sacrificed their life to stop the fire from spreading, by clearing away brush and dried. These Americans smoke jumpers always carry an emergency resistant shelter, this helped over 300 people lives in 1977 when there was a big wildfire. This is one of the dangerous and risky jobs that is ever known.
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