
Thursday, 21 July 2016

Carrying on if the sentences

Imagine that you are sitting in the crowd at the opening ceremonies for the Rio Olympics this August. The ceremony has just started and all of the Olympic athletes are parading around the stadium in their uniforms when all of a sudden…

Short story about 16 lines for this story….

…. A Lightning just struck out of nowhere. When they saw the sky, all of the clouds form together and all of a sudden it started to rain so the Olympics athletes ran and looked for a shelter for their self because they didn't want their uniform to get wet. The storm was really bad and the wind blowed the athletes shelter away and they didn’t see any shelter until this helicopter came and rescue them one by one. The crowd went crazy they were running around trying to find something to hide in but it was a fail for the crowd. A child was running looking for her parents alone in the stadium , but when she saw a bright light it was a helicopter, the rescuer helped her up and they rush to hospital because she was badly injured on her arm. Her parents came rushing to the hospital because the nurse made a call to her parents saying come over to the hospital because your daughter is looking for you. When the parents came to her some athletes came to see her and one by one they were angry at the weather for giving the crowd and athletes are big impact. So the daughter and parents were alright and the athletes are cleaning up the big mess that happened the storm really affected the stadium , lucky everyone was safe and okay.

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