This is my model I made explains Donova Janse journey from South Africa to New Zealand. It's explaining his Push reasons and his pull reasons. He had a rough life in South Africa, so he decide to move from his place of origin to a country of destination. He didn't like the way he was getting treated in his country. He was going through challenging obstacles. He had a choice of career being a Rugby player for Springbok or being a teacher. He didn't have a chance to become one of those, so he decided to come to New Zealand to begin a good life.
The mid year of last year he came to Auckland, New Zealand. He brang his son with him for 6 months. He wanted to bring his whole family to New Zealand but it was to much obstacle to bring them into New Zealand. After his migration he had sad news that his father has passed away. Donova was sad and he had no choice but to stay in NZ. His son went back to Africa and Donova was sad that he was gone, Donovan is the only one in New Zealand out of his family.
He's having a good life as a teacher at Tamaki Primary, he just wants his family with him so he can be more happier.