Later in the afternoon I went to Fasis house to have dinner , it was yum. I was Blogging at his house because the TLN was working there, and then we were watching a movie called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles .. I had a nice time.
This blog is a record of my learning from Glenbrae School in Auckland, NZ through to Tamaki College.
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
28.9.2015, Fun active day
On Monday my mum and I went to the laundry. I was getting really hungry, me and my mum went back too the car to wait for our washing to finish. I asked my mum if I can have a Burrito from the Bakery , she said she will show me what a Burrito really looks like. We went and drove to the kebab place in Glen Innes. Mum ordered me a Burrito and it was so massive when we got it, I was so happy. I ate my Burrito in the car while my Mum ate her hot chips. When I finish eating my Burrito I was so full that I was going to explode but that was the best feed I have ever ate now I know what a Burrito looks like better than the Bakery.
Later in the afternoon I went to Fasis house to have dinner , it was yum. I was Blogging at his house because the TLN was working there, and then we were watching a movie called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles .. I had a nice time.
Later in the afternoon I went to Fasis house to have dinner , it was yum. I was Blogging at his house because the TLN was working there, and then we were watching a movie called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles .. I had a nice time.
Another good day
Today I went to the Ice-cream shop again it was very hot ,But today I went with my Mum, my little brother and also my cousin Amira. We went to put petrol in my Nana cars. After that we went to to the Ice-cream shop. I got three scoops of Ice-creams my mum had 2 scoops and my cousin Amira had a normal ice-cream cone with 1 scoop of ice-cream. We went back home and stayed there for and hour. We went to the park in Dunkirk Road where we can play. I got my ball out and I ran to the Rugby goal post. My mum went with the kids to the park so I can play by myself. I was trying to learn how to kick so I can get better and better. We stayed there for a bit and we left, we went to the shops to buy some treats . I was begging my Mum to buy me a Frisbee and she said yes. I was playing with my Frisbee at my backyard. We had dinner that was pork chop with taro!!!
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Naughty stories for boys and girls
I red a book from naughty stories for good boys and girls. This girl name Kathy hated Christmas, because a week before Christmas Kathy and her mum went to the west park super market. Kathys Mum told her to sit still so she can rush in the super market to get food supplies. A hour later Kathy was still waiting for her Mum to come back ,but a couple minuets later a police officer came and told Kathy that her Mum called the police station, and said if they can look after Kathy cause she wasn't herself . Kathy went with the police to her new family called the Foster family. Her new foster family were kind to her, they looked after her for 6 years , but Kathy couldn't stop thinking about her mum, Kathy went looking for her mum with out her new parents knowing .So Kathy went the super market where her mum left her and asked the lady that works there have you seen my mum, the lady said someone came and said the same thing. Kathy saw someone just like her sitting on the seat, the same spot where Kathy was sitting when her mum left her , she ran up to her and it was her mother. Her mum hugged very tight and would not let her go, and said ' I never stopped loving you' !!!!!
My day with my Mum and my brother
29.9.2015 Today my mum took me and my brother to the ice-cream store in East Tamaki , we got a lot of ice-creams, when we got back home we did the lawn , My mum was doing half of the lawn and I was doing quarter of the lawn, my mum finished the rest of the lawn ,so I can have a break!! She told me to get the wheel barrel so she can pour the grass in it . My papa was doing the rest of the lawn and I was having a rest. Once we finish we had a rest and just relaxed.
Monday, 28 September 2015
My evening walking
This morning me and my mum was at home waiting for my brother to get back with my granddad , when he got home we walked down to Fasi house , My little brother Marcus was riding his trike and my Mum had to push him because he does not know how to ride his trike. Once we got at Fasi house his brother Tini was so excited he came outside and his Mum came out and we started walking but my Mum and Antonina was deciding which way should we go so they decided we should go around Tamaki College and take the short cut to Fasi new house. We walked to there new house and we were looking at the backyard , once we were about to leave it started to rain , when we were walking I found us a shelter , it was a Big tree we stood underneath it to keep dry,we started to play tag under the tree, but once when the rain stopped we went back to Antonina house , and I went back home to have a warm shower.
IXL during the holidays
My favourite songs.
1. My favourite song is Faydee (can't let go). When me and my mum put the CD in the radio we put Can't let go and that's a hit.
2. My last and favourite song is Florida (GDFR) and that means going down for real because its my jam.
2. My last and favourite song is Florida (GDFR) and that means going down for real because its my jam.
10 day blog challenge (loves)
1. I love cooking because instead of buying takeaway I buy the ingredients for the food and start cooking before I start serving the food to my family.
2. I love all the teachers at school because they help with works they lets us have treats and they are respectful kind and helpful.
3. I love going out with my family every Christmas. New years, Mothers day and even more so we can talk play and have great times.
4. I love the way that my friends treat me with a lot of respect because when I play with them I don't some of the rule for the game show they kindly show how to play the game show I can get better and better.
5. I love my family because they spoil me and they let me have a sleepover at there house and I love it because it fun.
6. I love my shoe because it make me run fast and it really nice because my mum like it and she bought it for me.
7. I love my family because when I play sports they come and support me and they watch me in tournament say they can see how good I am.
8. I love running and supporting others because it really good to run so you can get more stronger and fitter and supporting others is good to because if you support that person they will get all the scores and they will win.
9. And I love all the people at school.
2. I love all the teachers at school because they help with works they lets us have treats and they are respectful kind and helpful.
3. I love going out with my family every Christmas. New years, Mothers day and even more so we can talk play and have great times.
4. I love the way that my friends treat me with a lot of respect because when I play with them I don't some of the rule for the game show they kindly show how to play the game show I can get better and better.
5. I love my family because they spoil me and they let me have a sleepover at there house and I love it because it fun.
6. I love my shoe because it make me run fast and it really nice because my mum like it and she bought it for me.
7. I love my family because when I play sports they come and support me and they watch me in tournament say they can see how good I am.
8. I love running and supporting others because it really good to run so you can get more stronger and fitter and supporting others is good to because if you support that person they will get all the scores and they will win.
9. And I love all the people at school.
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Super Diaper baby 2 The invasion of the pottys
Today I have red a 1st chapter book about when there was 2 boys name George and Harold. There grumpy principle was so mean to them that he red there book , and he said he hate it this the worst book I have ever red ,so he ripped the book and gave George and Harold a book, Mrs Krupp gave them his favourite book when he was dumb. George and Harold wrote another book but when they gave it to there principle he said this is worst than the other book I have red. George and Harold wrote another book and let see if the principle will like it.
To be continued...
To be continued...
Spending time with my family
This morning I went to the Flea market with my Mum, My little brother Marcus and my Nana. We went to check out what they had and to see if they got new stuff that we can buy, Me and my Mum went with Marcus to buy some breakfast. We bought Kebabs, Hot chips and Drinks. We went to the car but we were waiting for my Nana. While we were waiting for my Nana we ate our breakfast in the car. Once my Nana finish buying her things we went back home and I was so full with food in my tummy.
My afternoon spent with my mum
27.9.15 , Today I went to Kiwi-yo at Sylvia Park. My Mum and I was serving our own desserts. I got chocolate Ice-cream. After that I added my topping for my Ice-cream. I weighed my Ice-cream and It was just 5.30$ , I told my mum if I can buy one waffle pop and she said yes. She brought herself a Waffle pancake it was so Big , We ate our desserts and it was yummy. After Kiwi-yo we went to Smiggle store because i asked my mum if I can buy some stationary and she said yes. I bought myself one rubber and a snake puzzle. We went Pak'n save to buy some dinner for us to eat. We bought chicken drums for dinner.After that we went home to cook our dinner, I played outside with my friends while food was cooking.
Taking dogs on dog trip
Today I have red another news article on Kiwi kids news. I red a article about when a 80 years old man have found abandoned dogs and he started to keep them as his own pets. He used a plastic barrels to make trains out of it, and the man attached the barrels to his ride-on lawn mower , his dogs liked going on trips and just riding around.
RWC Kicks of Saturday.
Today I have read a news article on Kiwi kids news it had some of the news that happened a couple weeks ago and now. I have red a news article called RWC Kicks Off Saturday it when the first match of the tournament started against England vs Fiji. So England won against Fiji. England won 45-24 in 1999.
Saturday, 26 September 2015
Friday, 25 September 2015
The place I want to go
`The places I want to go:
1. The Buckingham Palace in England because I want to see the queen guards that protecting the Palace.
2. Visit all the Celebrity in 1 day because I want to hear them sing and get there autograph because they are famous.
3. Go to the pacific countries to visit the kings and queen and see what they do and see there own guards too.
4. See the Queen and be her guards too and be famous and be on Youtube and Television.
5. Rainbow Ends to ride all the roller coaster so I can be sick and not go back there.
6. Happy days to eat there foods and play on there games machine and win a lot of toys.Floating and Sinking
Floating and Sinking
Block of woods
| |
Today I have learnt how much weight is on a balloon and bowling ball. So we watch a video on YouTube about how does the bowling ball sink and the balloon floats. A balloon ways 0.02 pounds and a bowling ball weigh 12 pounds. On the video the woman said there is volume, weight and displace on the balloon and bowling ball.
Me taken a photo
Today I have taken a photo of myself for my ten day blog challenges. I hope I can get a prize and get to be the blogger of the month again. Good luck.
My 3 favourite food
1. Butter chicken
2. Curry chicken
3. Mcdonald
4. KFC
5. Roast chickenI like eating these kind of food because it taste good and it smell nice and plus when I go to some of the shop I see some of friends from school and that pretty cool.
4 books that I like
1. Captain Underpants.
2. Goosebumps.
3. Thea Silton and Geronimo Silton.
4. The Freak street.My favourite book in this section is captain underpants because it is really funny and it will give the hic up and that will Awesome.
My 10 secrets.
This Holidays Room 7 have a 10 day blogging challenge to complete 10 blogs, one a day over the holidays.
- I like watching Kim Kardashian on Television.
- I have a crush on Jessie J because she is pretty.
- I go on my netbook and go on YouTube for 2 hours watching movies.
- I love eating carrot cake because it taste like ginger.
- Me and my friends go and play with the girls at school.
- I cook my own food and eat it in my room in the middle of the night.
- I kiss my mum on her cheek when I go school.
- I listen to Chris brown musics on the radio.t
- I sing in the shower when I am board.
10.I dress up nice to look pretty for the girls so they can say you are handsome.
Monday, 21 September 2015
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Room 7 Daily Fitness
For cross country preparation we did our warm up. For our warm up we stretched our arms and legs. After our warm up we ran around our school field two times. I ran around the field without my shoes on. When I was running, my feet was getting really numb that I was about to collapse. I ran as slowly as I could to make my feet warm. As I was running, it felt like my feet was in a kangaroo pouch. I could feel my feet but after that my feet got stuck in the mud. It felt like I was in quick sand because my feet was sinking. People zoomed past me and I thought that I was going to come last. People were cheering for me saying "Come on Danny you can do your best." I ran past a lot of people and I beat half of the class. At the end of our run, I felt like my body was filled with energy.. I enjoyed running around the field but I did not like the way my feet was numb. I like running because it make me fit.
Monday, 14 September 2015
Sumo paint 4

Going on Sumo paint

Why should we not eat insects
TOPIC: People should include insects in their healthy diet.
Introduction: We should not eat insect of part of our health.
- If you eat bugs it will be stuck between your teeth
Topic: Why should we eat bug.
I disagree with this statement because if you eat insects it is poisonous and that not good for our health and it for free plus it cheaper.
Insects is 1 litre and the insects is 80% of edible with iron in it. The use less water
than they produce meat and cheaper. They are not healthy because they cause fat protein.
We should eat normal food because insect is really groce because it fell with yucky old dirt and if you chew it some of the body will be stuck on your mouth and it felled with ugly chemical.
We should not eat insects because they could get stuck in our teeth or the bug you ate could have ate something poisonous, and we do find insects disgusting because every culture is different.
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Duffy assembly
Today I learnt that we must read regularly to achieve success in our learning.
Today in the morning we had a short Duffy assembly and in the hall there was a man name Myron Simpson. He is a cyclist and he won silver medals from 2007 in Mexico. Myron Simpson said that when you drive past school you speed have to 40km per hour. He has been to every country that Myron said but has not been to one country that is Alaska. He has a shoes that has cleats under his shoes so he can stick his shoe on the pedal so he can ride his bike. He told us that he rides his bike fast and his top limit is 110km per hours. He wears a skin suits and there a little holes to make Myron go more faster on his bike. He asked us some about himself and we responded back to him and we ask some question so put up my hands straight away and I ask who taught how to ride a bike and he aid it was his dad that has been teaching him how to ride a bike. Everybody got a chances to ask Myron a question and Mrs Adcock put on the Duffy song so we can sing to Myron. A students from Room 10 came and than a speech and said than you for showing us you cyclist gear. It was time to hand out the Duffy books to the people that has not have there Duffy book yet. Mrs Raj called out the people and he said there are no brakes on his
here is his link.
Myron's Muesli
Today in the morning we had a short Duffy assembly and in the hall there was a man name Myron Simpson. He is a cyclist and he won silver medals from 2007 in Mexico. Myron Simpson said that when you drive past school you speed have to 40km per hour. He has been to every country that Myron said but has not been to one country that is Alaska. He has a shoes that has cleats under his shoes so he can stick his shoe on the pedal so he can ride his bike. He told us that he rides his bike fast and his top limit is 110km per hours. He wears a skin suits and there a little holes to make Myron go more faster on his bike. He asked us some about himself and we responded back to him and we ask some question so put up my hands straight away and I ask who taught how to ride a bike and he aid it was his dad that has been teaching him how to ride a bike. Everybody got a chances to ask Myron a question and Mrs Adcock put on the Duffy song so we can sing to Myron. A students from Room 10 came and than a speech and said than you for showing us you cyclist gear. It was time to hand out the Duffy books to the people that has not have there Duffy book yet. Mrs Raj called out the people and he said there are no brakes on his
here is his link.
Myron's Muesli
Sumpaint time
I created a piece of digital art by using Sumo paint. I enjoyed doing this activity because we get to go on it and do any creative art. I love my art because it all has blue and red colour like the Samoan flag and the flower is a windmill.
Monday, 7 September 2015
I brushed my teeth
Today me and my class got some tooth brush from our teacher. We got some time to brush our teeth to make sure to your teeth is always clean when you brush it. Our teacher gave us a little tooth paste on our tooth brush so we can brush our teeth. We went and filled up our cup with water. We brushed our teeth for 2 minuets and then the time stop. My teeth is clean and shiny like the rest of the class.
1. It is important to brush your teeth everyday because you might get green teeth and it will stink.
2. To brush your teeth properly who have to put on tooth paste and brush it for 2 minutes.
1. It is important to brush your teeth everyday because you might get green teeth and it will stink.
2. To brush your teeth properly who have to put on tooth paste and brush it for 2 minutes.
Sunday, 6 September 2015
Very lucky day
Today it was a very chilly day. Today my uncle came over because he just came back from Fiji with my cousin Avinah. My uncle came with his brother and his name is Vikah. My uncles got a father days present from me and my mum and that was awesome. We had a little lunch from yesterday party. I got some goodies from my uncle and my cousin Avinah. I got a chocolate and a wristband that is a snap band. It says bula Fiji on the snap band and I said thank you to my uncle and cousin.
Friday, 4 September 2015
Glenbrae school is the best
WALT: Write an argument
SC: Have three reasons why Glenbrae school is the best school, and support each reason with facts or examples.
TOPIC: Glenbrae School is the best school.
Glenbrae School is the best. We are the best because, we are really respectful, we have a lots of sports, and we have great teachers.
At schools we reward respect with certificate for showing respects to others, by being respectful to learning and just focusing on your learning. We always be respectful to the teacher and listening to them while they are talking. We look after our property because we might lose your property.
We always have sports that we compete in tournaments against others schools like rugby, soccer and netball. Our coaches always rewards the students and people that played sports over the season.
We have the best teachers and teacher aid in the world. Our Principal always lets us do a reading log over the holidays and she says who brings it back gets prizes. My teacher's name is Mrs Parker. She is the best teacher in the world because she rewards us, with rangimarie cards, or free time and a lot of hi fives.
Conclusion: Glenbrae school is the best because we always have lots of sports we get treats from our coach and teacher. We have lot of time to play when we finish our work. We always be respectful to my teacher and others.
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